Magical Days Of the Week

Witch Altar decorations - with pentacle, herbs and crystals
CreativeFire / Getty Images

In many traditions of Paganism, days of the week are important aspects of effective spellcasting. For example, spells to do with abundance or prosperity could be done on Thursday, because it is associated with riches and desire. When casting a spell concerning business or communication, one might prefer to work on a Wednesday, due to the day's associations. While not all traditions follow this rule, when you're doing any magical working, always be sure to document the day of the week you're performing the spell. You might be surprised later on to see some connections!

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Sunday on a calendar
Image by Fotosearch/Getty Images

Sunday is associated with the colors yellow and gold, which shouldn't be surprising—it's the day of the sun. Because of this planetary association, this is a day that's also connected to solar deities like Helios and Ra. Interestingly, in some Celtic traditions, Brighid's day is Sunday as well.

When it comes to crystal use, Sunday is related to quartz crystals and diamonds, as well as the yellowish hues of carnelian and amber. For herbs and plants in magical workings, use marigolds, sunflowers, or cinnamon.

What kind of magic is best performed on Sunday? Well, it's a day that generally has many associations—agriculture, beauty, hope, victory, self-expression, and creativity are all connected to this particular day. Plant or harvest something new (not just material crops, but metaphysical ones as well), create something from nothing and prepare to win at everything.

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Monday on a calendar
Image by Marko Kovacevic/E+/Getty Images

Monday is the day of the moon itself, and it's a day that's connected to lunar colors like silver, white, or even a pale blue. Metals and gemstones like silver, pearl, opal, and moonstone all come into play today.

There are plenty of deities associated with the moon—Thoth and Diana for instance—and herbal correspondences include many members of the mint family. Utilize wintergreen or peppermint, as well as catnip, comfrey, sage, and chamomile in your workings.

When it comes to Monday magic, because of that lunar connection, it's a good time to focus on workings related to childbearing and family life, purity and virginity, healing, wisdom, and intuition. Do a little bit of self-exploration and work on developing your intuition—learn to trust your gut. Celebrate birth and life, and make some magic to fix what is broken.

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Tuesday on a calendar
Image by Mark Jensen/E+/Getty Images

Named for the Norse god Tyr, who was a deity of heroism and combat, Tuesday is a very martial sort of day—color associations include bright red and oranges, as well as warrior-like metals such as iron and steel.

The ancient Romans called this day Martis, after the warrior god Mars—other deities associated with Tuesday include Ares, the Morrighan, and other gods of battle and glory. Red gemstones like rubies and garnets come into play on Tuesdays, as do herbs and plants such as thistles, holly, coneflowers, and cacti—you'll notice these are all sharp, prickly plants!

One of the interesting—and more than a little amusing—aspects of Tuesday magic is that in addition to war and conflict against your enemies, this is a day also associated with marriage. You can also use this day of the week for magical workings connected to protection and initiation. Use Tuesday to assert yourself, make a mark and stake your claims.

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Wednesday the ninth of October on a calendar
Image by spxChrome/E+/Getty Images

Wednesday is named for Woden himself, although the Romans called it dies Mercurii. This is a day associated with the color purple, the planet Mercury, and the metal quicksilver—which is also called mercury. See a pattern here?

When it comes to deities... yes, Mercury! However, there are a few other gods associated with Wednesday, including Odin and Hermes, Athena, and Lugh. Gemstones like adventurine and agate come in handy as well, as do plants such as aspen trees, lilies, lavender, and even ferns.

Business and job-related issues, communication, loss and debt, traveling, and journeys are all tied into Wednesday. This is a good day to do a working to open up lines of communication—especially if your actions are preventing you from being an effective speaker or listener. Go someplace new or return to an old favorite stomping ground, step up your game, and settle up your accounts.

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Thursday on a daily planner

Mark Jensen/E+/Getty Images

Thursday is a day of royal blues and greens, associated with the planet Jupiter and metals like tin. When it comes to deities, look at leader type gods like Thor, Zeus, and Jupiter. Gemstone correspondences for Thursday include turquoise, amethyst and lapis lazuli, and plant associations can be found in honeysuckle, cinquefoil, and even oak trees.

This is a day for honor, fealty and family loyalty, as well as harvesting, success, and prosperity. Take advantage of Thursday's different aspects and do spellwork that brings abundance to you, declares your allegiance, and embraces prosperity.

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Friday on a calendar
Image by Markus Brunner/imageBROKER/Getty Images

Friday falls at the end of the work week for many of us, and that means we get a chance to relax for a little bit! Mark your Fridays with colors like pink and aqua, and metals such as copper. This is a day ruled by the planet Venus, so it should be no surprise that Venus and Aphrodite—goddesses of love and beauty—are associated with Fridays. This is a day named for the Norse goddess Freyja*, so be sure to take a moment to honor her as well.

Gemstones associated with Friday include coral, emerald and rose quartz, and plants like strawberries, apple blossoms and feverfew are also related. This is a good day to do spellwork associated with family life and fertility, sexuality, harmony, friendship, growth. Take advantage of Friday's correspondences and plant a seed, make something grow, and enjoy your blessings.

*Note: There are a lot of disputes as to the origins of the word Friday because there is still a great deal of discussion as to whether it was named for Freyja or Frigga, and whether they were the same deity or two separate ones. Some scholars believe that while they may have eventually become two distinctly different goddesses, they could have had their origins in a single, common Proto-Germanic deity.

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Saturday on a calendar

Meredith Mullins/E+/Getty Images

It's the end of the week for many of us, so Saturday—named for the god Saturn—is a good time to wrap things up. Associated with the colors black and dark purple, and the metal lead, this day is also connected to the goddess Hecate. Gemstones like Apache tear, obsidian, and hematite are all connected to Saturday's magic, as are plants such as thyme, mullein, and the cypress tree.

When it comes to magical workings, focus on agriculture and creativity, fortune and hope, protection and banishment of negativity. Put up a barrier to keep the unwelcome out, eliminate the things that make you miserable, and wash your hands of anything other than your hopes, dreams, and goals.

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Your Citation
Wigington, Patti. "Magical Days Of the Week." Learn Religions, Aug. 29, 2020, Wigington, Patti. (2020, August 29). Magical Days Of the Week. Retrieved from Wigington, Patti. "Magical Days Of the Week." Learn Religions. (accessed May 2, 2024).