Intro to Paganism: A 13 Step Study Guide

There's a lot of information out there for seekers who are interested in Wicca and other forms of Paganism, and it can be a little overwhelming to sort through it all. This 13-step study guide will help you build a basic framework for your studies in the future. Topics include basic concepts, reading recommendations, prayers and deities, the Sabbats and other celebrations, tools of the Craft, and ideas on how to live a magical life every day.

While there's no substitute for hands-on learning, this study guide is designed to give you many of the basic working concepts that you'll need to continue studying in earnest later on. Think of this as the foundation you can build onto in the future. Each lesson will feature four or five topics that you should read and study. Some will be informational, others will be actual rituals and ceremonies to perform. Don't just skim over them—read them thoroughly, and make notes on the points that jump out at you. Take your time when you're going though them, and if you need to, bookmark them to read later.

If you've ever thought you might like to study modern Paganism but didn't know how to get started, this study guide is designed for you.

A final note: learning is a uniquely personal thing. Some people will blaze through all thirteen steps in a weekend, others make take much longer. The amount of time you spend on this is going to vary according to your own needs. Take as much time as you need so you can get the most out of this collection of lessons. You may want to bookmark this page so you can find it easily when you're ready to move on to the next step. Again, I encourage you to take your time. Read over these and—even more importantly—think about what you've read. If there's something you disagree with, or that doesn't make sense to you, that's okay, because it gives you something else to research and learn about later on.

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Intro to Paganism & Wicca

Michael Peter Huntley/Moment/Getty Images

For our first study session, we're going to talk a little bit about just what Paganism and Wicca really are. We'll look at the differences between Wicca, witchcraft, and Paganism (because they really ARE different), as well as the basic concepts of Wicca. We'll also talk about different interpretations of the Threefold Law, one of the most common tenets of modern Pagan religions.

Differences Between Wicca, Witchcraft, and Paganism

Can you be a Pagan without being Wiccan? Is it possible to be Wiccan but not be a witch? How come some Pagans are Wiccans but others aren't? Well, believe it or not, the three terms really are very different. Witch, Wiccan, or Pagan—how you identify yourself will depend on not only your practices but your beliefs.

Basic Principles and Concepts of Wicca

There are many misconceptions out there about Wicca and modern Paganism, so first, let's talk a little about what it is that Wiccans believe. Here's where we're talking about what it is Wiccans generally believe and practice. We'll also address the issue of what Wicca is NOT.

Ten Things to Know About Wicca

In addition to the basic principles and concepts of Wicca, as we discussed above, there are also some other issues you should be aware of. Most of these are not Official Sacred Tenets of Wicca, but in fact simple common sense rules that you should be aware of.

The Threefold Law

When you first begin studying Wicca, you'll probably hear a lot about the Threefold Law, sometimes called the Law of Threefold Return or the Rule of Three. It's important to understand exactly WHY you're following a rule, if you do in fact decide to follow it. Let's talk about some of the different interpretations of the Rule of Three.

FAQ: I'm New to Wicca... Now What?

That's an excellent question, and one that comes up frequently. Because there's no Official Wiccan Welcome Packet, it's kind of hard to figure out where you're going, if you don't know exactly what the path is. That's part of the goal of this study guide, in fact, to help you figure out what's next.

5 Mistakes New Pagans Make

For people new to Pagan spirituality, there is often a sense of elation and joy - after all, you've finally found that elusive sense of belonging that you've been looking for all this time! However, with that elation and joy sometimes comes bad decision-making rooted in enthusiasm. Here are a few common mistakes that new Pagans - and a few veterans - often make.

10 Not-Great Reasons to Become Pagan

People become Pagans for a variety of reasons. Most of those reasons are pretty good - sometimes it involves a connection to the divine, a sense of coming home, or even just a gradual transformation. However, there are plenty of reasons that aren't so great. If yours appear on this list, you might want to rethink your whole spiritual journey and what you hope to get out of it.

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Read, Study, Learn, and Grow

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As a spiritual path, Pagan belief systems are similar to many others in that to truly understand it—and benefit from it—one really does have to do some work. Like anything else of value, a little effort is typically necessary to attain spiritual growth. However, one problem many folks new to Paganism encounter is that there's a lot of reading out there, and it's hard to tell which books are worthwhile, and which should just be used as firestarters.

Today, we're going to discuss a few authors whose contributions have really made an impact on the changing face of Wicca and other Pagan religions in the past decades. There's a reading list that every beginner should look over - if you haven't read these books, make time to do so at some point, because they're considered classics. Finally, we'll talk about how to start your own study group. After all, if you're going to read all that new material, it's not a bad idea to bounce ideas off other people!

Reading List for Beginners

So you're at the local bookstore, looking at the Pagan spirituality section... and there are literally hundreds of selections. How do you know what to read? This list features thirteen books that every Pagan should have on their shelves.

How Do I Know A Book is Worth Reading?

As more and more books on Paganism, Wicca, and other earth-based spiritual paths become available, readers are often faced with choices about what to read. One of the things people typically find themselves asking is, "How do I know what books are reliable?," followed almost immediately by "Which authors should I avoid?" Learn what makes a book credible and worth reading, and what makes it one that should probably only be used as a doorstop or paperweight.

Authors You Should Know

The ten authors on this list are some of the most well-known authors in the fields of magic, the occult, Paganism and Wicca. While not everyone agrees with everything these authors have written, reading their work will give you a greater understanding of the history of Paganism and Wicca in the modern era.

Start Your Own Pagan or Wiccan Study Group

With a study group, everyone is on an equal playing field and can learn at the same pace. A study group is far more informal than a coven, and offers members a chance to learn about different traditions without making a major commitment to any of them.

NeoWiccan Sacred Texts

Are you interested in some of the popular NeoWiccan texts? From Leland's "Gospel of the Witches" to Gerald Gardner's Book of Shadows, there are a variety of documents you may want to explore if you're interested in following a NeoWiccan path.

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Step 3: Tools of the Craft

Card And Candle
Carlos Fierro/E+/Getty Images

So now we've talked about what it is Wiccans and many other Pagans believe—now it's time to get into the actual meat of what they practice and do. An essential part of modern Paganism is the use of magic to bring about change. This change can be for other people, the community at large, for self-improvement—the possibilities are nearly limitless. Many people find that various tools allow them to better develop their magical ability.

While you don't absolutely have to have every single one of these tools in order to be an effective worker of magic, they do come in handy. A tool helps you to focus your intent. We'll talk about some of the tools most commonly used in some of Pagan traditions, and we'll spend a little time discussing the Book of Shadows, or BOS. You'll learn what a BOS is, what it should contain, and how to set up one of your own.

Magical Tools

Often, when people first Pagan spirituality, they rush to go buy every single magical tool they can find. After all, the books tell us to buy this, that, and the kitchen sink... but what's the point? Do you absolutely have to have everything? Remember, magical tools have an actual purpose.

Your Magical Altar

What's an altar, and why do you need one? Well, the altar is a personal place where you can put things that are sacred to your tradition. Ultimately, focus on which tools are necessary to your practice, and leave the rest of them out of the way. Here's a blueprint for a very basic altar setup.

Make a Ritual Robe

Many Pagans prefer to perform ceremonies and rituals in special robes. For a lot of people, donning the ritual robe is a way of separating themselves from the mundane business of everyday life . You can make your own robe easily, just by following a few simple steps.

Your Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows (BOS) is used to store information on your magical tradition. Many Pagans have one, and consider it a sacred tool. Copy spells and rituals into your BOS, along with information on herbalism, deities, gemstones, rituals, and more. You can make your BOS as elaborate or as simple as you like.

Magical Living on A Budget

Worried you might not be able to afford all the tools we're talking about? No worries - there are plenty of smart options for Pagans on a budget.

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Step 4: Magical Basics

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Magical practice is a significant part of many modern Pagan and Wiccan traditions. There are a lot of questions - some unanswerable - about what magic is and how it works. Let's look at some of those issues, and then we'll get into the nuts and bolts.

In addition to talking about how magic works - or doesn't - this week we're going to look at the basics of candle magic, crystals and gemstones, herbs and incense, and more. Remember that Book of Shadows we started in Step 3? A lot of this information is worth keeping in there. Feel free to print things out and keep them in your BOS - after all, that's what it's for! Let's start off with a couple of the most commonly asked questions about magic, and then we'll talk about poppets, candles, oils and herbs as well.

Is Magic Real? And Why Doesn't Everyone Do It?

Depends on who you ask, but most Pagans will tell you they accept magic as part of their daily life. Most people don't practice magic at all —why on earth not, if it's real? Some of the reasons might be simpler than you think.

How Does Magic Work?

Let's face it - magic isn't something we can sit down and explain with a pie chart and a graph. It's not something we can correlate with facts and figures. It's something that exists, but we can't prove how or why. In fact, there are even different types of magic - all of which work within their own spheres of energy. Learn a little bit about different theories on the science of magic.

Poppet Magic

Poppets, or dolls, are one of the oldest and simplest forms of sympathetic magic. Based upon the theory that like attracts like, a poppet is a doll or figure created to represent the individual who is the focus of the working. Here you'll learn how to create your own, as well as some sample workings you can try.

Magical Herbalism

Herb use and lore has long been a staple of healing practices. Thousands of years before mankind even began writing things down, our ancestors knew that certain plants had specific effects upon the body and mind.

Candle Magic 101

Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spell casting. Considered sympathetic magic, it's a method which doesn't require a lot of fancy ritual or expensive ceremonial artifacts. In other words, if you have access to a candle, you can do a magical working.

Magical Oils

Oils are often used in magical workings. They can be used to anoint an individual or item. Although many magical oils are commercially available, it's not hard to blend your own, once you learn a little about the basics.

19 Magical Crystals to Have on Hand

Are you interested in using crystals and gemstones in your magical workings? ​Select crystals and gemstones for use based upon their correspondences, or attributes, and you won't go wrong.

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Step 5: Deity and Prayer

Prayer is a way to bring us closer to the Divine. John Lamb/Image Bank/Getty Images

For many Pagans , an important component of the belief system involves the honoring of Deity. Most Pagans see the Divine in all living things, there are also specific gods and goddesses found in each tradition. They tend to be varied, based upon the pantheon and belief structure of the individual system. Regardless, there's a lot to keep in mind when dealing with the Divine.

This week, we'll talk about some of the more commonly honored deities in the Pagan community, as well as the concept of "appropriate worship," how to make an offering, and simple prayers that you can use at any time.

Deities of Paganism

Many of the deities honored by modern Pagans are those of ancient cultures. This page will provide you with profiles of some of the more commonly honored deities in modern Paganism.

The Role of Prayer in Paganism

Many people hear the word "prayer" and automatically assume that's something people in "that other religion" do. Pagans have been praying for thousands of years. Prayer is a very personal thing, and although not everyone chooses to do it, it's important to understand the role of prayer in modern Paganism.

Appropriate Worship

One issue that comes up often for people learning about Pagan spirituality is the concept of appropriate worship. There tends to be some question about what, exactly, is the right way to honor the gods or goddesses of one's tradition.

Offerings to the Gods

In many Pagan traditions, it's not uncommon to make some sort of offering or sacrifice to the gods. But how do you know what sort of thing to offer to the Divine? Here are some ideas for specific offerings you can make to deities, based upon the types of gods they are.

Can We Connect to Deities of the Opposite Gender?

If you're a male practitioner, can you honor or worship a female goddess? What if you're a woman who feels a strong connection to the energy of a male deity? Don't worry - many people connect to deities of the opposite gender.

Can I Dedicate to More Than One Deity?

What's a Wiccan or Pagan to do if you've already pledged to honor one deity, and another one comes a-knocking on your door? Can you pay tribute to both, or will that end up creating a problem of epic proportions for you?

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Step 6: Beginning Your Practice

franckreporter/E+/Getty Images

So far, we've talked about some of the basic foundations of a solid practice of Wicca and other forms of Paganism. We've discussed the deities and how to interact with them, principles and concepts of Pagan religions, as well as magical tools and theory. Now it's time to really get started on the hands-on stuff.

If you've been adding information to your Book of Shadows from this study guide, then you're a step ahead, because in this step, there are a couple of actual rituals for you to try. This will give you a feel for exactly how a ritual works—whether it's one created by you or by someone else—and help you feel comfortable in a ritual setting. We're also going to discuss magical names, the basics of spell construction, and the ever-important issue of initiation.

Choosing Your Magical Name

One of the first things some people do when they begin following a Pagan path is choose a magical name. Before you select one for yourself, you should read this information about what a magical name is, how to choose one, and what names to avoid picking.

Initiation: Is It Really Necessary?

The initiation question is one of the most highly contested subjects in the Pagan community. Do you actually have to be initiated to be Wiccan, or does it not matter? Well, like many other issues, the answer kind of depends on who you ask.

A Self-Dedication Ritual

Are you ready to start performing rituals on your own? If you've been paying attention for the past few steps, then the answer is, "Of course you are!" We're going to start off with a very simple ritual of self-dedication. If you don't feel prepared yet to self-dedicate, that's okay too -- bookmark this link and save it for when that day arrives.

How to Cast a Circle

In many alternative spiritual paths, the circle is considered a sacred space. As such, the casting of the circle is often the beginning foundation of any ritual. While you don't absolutely *have* to cast a circle to perform ritual, doing so allows you to designate an area as a formalized, ritual space.

The Basics of Spell Construction

In Step 4, we talked a lot about magical theory - what it is, how it works, and the basics of it. Now that you're really starting to develop your practice -- and adding to your BOS all the time! -- it's time to talk about the basics of spellcraft.

Magical Banishing

While some traditions frown upon banishing as manipulative magic on the theory that it impacts the free will of another, if your tradition has no prohibitions against such things, then there's no reason you can't do a banishing to get rid of negativity.

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Step 7: The Wheel of the Year

Matt Cardy/Getty Images News

The Wheel of the Year is the term applied to the cycle of the seasons, as observed by most contemporary Pagans. While not every group celebrates each of the eight Sabbats, it's often a common thread among different Pagan groups. In this lesson, we're going to start looking at the eight Sabbats. You'll get a chance to learn about their history and what they represent, as well as rituals, craft ideas, and ways to celebrate them.

Samhain, October 31

Samhain is known as the Witches' New Year, and falls on October 31 in the Northern Hemisphere (if you're below the equator, all of your Sabbat dates will be different by six months). Although this is celebrated as Halloween, it's also a time of sacred reflection and for honoring the dead.

Yule, the Winter Solstice

Yule typically falls around December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, and is the longest night of the year. It's the night that truly marks the beginning of winter, and reminds us that we're still in for a couple of months of cold and darkness.

Imbolc, a Festival of Light

Imbolc is sometimes called Candlemas, and is typically a day associated with the Celtic goddess Brighid. Celebrated on February 2, this is a festival of fire and light, and is a harbinger of spring.

Ostara, the Vernal Equinox

Although the Christians typically celebrate Easter around this time of year, for Pagans it's Ostara. Ostara is the time when the snow begins to melt, and we can celebrate the first day of spring.

Beltane, a Day of Fire and Fertility

Come May 1, the earth and everyone on it is fertile and ready to bloom! The old custom of May Day lives on in our modern Beltane festivals, which celebrate the greening of the earth, and the fertile land which is ready to be plowed.

Litha, the Summer Solstice

Sometimes called Midsummer, this Sabbat is in direct contrast to the long nights of the Yule season. Litha is the longest day of the year, and it occurs around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Lammas, the First Harvest

At the beginning of August, the grain fields are full and lush. In some traditions, this day is Lughnasadh, and is marked by honoring the Celtic craftsman god, Lugh. No matter how you celebrate it, Lammas/Lughnasadh denotes the winding down of the summer.

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox

Much like Ostara, the Sabbat of Mabon is a time of balance - equal parts light and dark. Mabon falls around September 21, and in many Pagan communities is celebrated as a time of thanksgiving.

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Step 8: The Magic of the Moon

Moon Woman
The moon has been a source of mystery and magic throughout the ages. Colin Anderson/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images

In many Pagan traditions, there is great significance placed upon the changes of the moon. Much like life itself, the moon ebbs and flows. It waxes and wanes, and it achieves great power. It also goes dark, so that it can rejuvenate. Each month has a full moon of its own, and each is designated with different correspondences and symbolism. We'll look at each of those individually, and see how they tie in to magical practice. Also, we'll look at celebrations and rituals for different times of the moon.

Moon Phase Magic

Every full moon is surrounded by legends and lore of its own. Each month is connected to different symbols, found in herbs, deities, stones, and more. Learn about the monthly full moons that emerge each year, and the magical correspondences for each.

Moon Phases in the Southern Hemisphere

If you live below the equator, your moon phases will be a little different than the standard Neopagan ones. Here's how to figure out what they're called in your region.

The Monthly Esbat Celebration

In addition to the eight Sabbats observed every year, some Pagans celebrate a regular Esbat, in which magic is performed and the gods and goddesses of the tradition are honored. Typically, this coincides with the full moon.

Drawing Down the Moon

In this beautiful and powerful rite, the practitioner invokes the Goddess directly into herself (or himself, as the case may be). Drawing Down the Moon is best performed on the night of the full moon, or on one of the nights immediately before.

Does the Moon Phase Matter When it Comes to Magic?

Does the phase of the moon really matter when it comes to magic? Some people believe it does. Let's look at the different moon phases and magical workings.

Deities of the Moon

Many cultures have honored deities of the moon. Let's look at some of the many lunar gods and goddesses from around the world.

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Step 9: Life Rituals

Bonfire Couple
Handfasting bonfires are a popular part of many ceremonies. Benedicte Vanderreydt/Cultura/Getty Images

Believe it or not, Pagans don't restrict their belief to just celebrating the Sabbats and Esbats, or to just the occasional weekend wand-waving. Most people find that they are able to incorporate their beliefs into practices into all kinds of celebrations. Like any other spiritual path, the beliefs and principles of Paganism can be celebrated at any time during one's life.

Handfastings: A Pagan Wedding Primer

Here's everything you'll need to know about how to have a successful handfasting ceremony. Learn about the history of this custom, as well as where the idea of jumping the broom came from, how to have a safe handfasting bonfire, and some magical favor ideas for your guests!

Birthday Ritual

Got a birthday coming up? Celebrate this annual milestone by setting up a magical birthday altar!

The Croning Ceremony

More and more women are celebrating the third stage of life by having a Croning Ceremony. Rather than hiding our maturity, we're honoring and welcoming it. Learn what a Croning ceremony is, and get some tips on how to hold one for yourself or a friend.

God & Goddess Healing Ritual

Would you like to perform a healing ritual for a friend in need? Here's a simple rite that calls upon the gods of your tradition for assistance in healing and wellness.

New Beginnings Ritual

Are you ready to shed the old and welcome the new? Try this New Beginnings Ritual to get yourself on the path to a brand new life.

Ritual to Kick a Bad Habit

Are you looking for a ritual to help you kick a bad habit? Try using this one, in conjunction with mundane efforts, and you may be able to shed those old habits once and for all.

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Step 10: Family and Relationships

Sooner or later, your child may notice your family is different. Image by wshadden/rooM/Getty Images

For Pagan families, there is often a unique set of issues to deal with. After all, if you're raising children in a non-mainstream religion, or you're married to someone whose faith is diametrically opposed to your own, your circumstances are going to be a little different from the folks down the street who go to church on Sunday as a family. However, different doesn't have to be a bad thing. As we'll talk about in this step, Pagan families are just like other families—we love each other, we spend time together, and we want to raise happy and healthy children.

Ten Activities for Pagan Kids

People new to Paganism often ask, "How can I teach my children about my beliefs?" Believe it or not, sharing your spirituality with your kids is easier than you think. Try some of these simple activities as a way of celebrating your family and your faith all at once.

Keeping Kids Included in Pagan Practice

Our Pagan community has grown to encompass people of all age levels. As a parent, you can always find some way to incorporate Pagan values and beliefs into your kids' lives.

How to Survive an Interfaith Relationship

You're Pagan, and you've fallen in love with someone who's part of some other faith. Is there a chance your relationship will survive, or are you doomed to failure from the beginning?

Tips for Parents of Pagan Teens

Got a parent who's wondering about your newfound interest in Wicca? Are you a parent who's trying to figure out why your kid is always looking at the moon and has started wearing weird jewelry? Either way, this article is for you.

Pagan Rituals for Families with Children

Looking for rituals and ceremonies that work well for your young Pagans in training? Here's a collection of some of our most popular kid- and family-themed rituals and celebrations.

Pagans and Homeschooling

As federal and state funding for public schools declines, more and more people are turning to homeschooling as an option. Pagan families have begun to join the movement as well, for a variety of reasons.

What is an Indigo Child?

Has someone told you your child is an Indigo Child? Let's talk about what that even means.

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Step 11: Your Rights as a Pagan

Private School
Rights of students in private schools are different than in public education. Echo/Cultura/Getty Images

Each week, there are stories in the news of people who believe they have been discriminated against or treated unfairly by other people because of their religion. In some cases, lawsuits are even filed. However, what many people fail to realize is that (a) you, as a Pagan, are entitled to equal protection under the law, and (b) you can stop others from treating you unfairly. In this lesson, we'll talk a little about what exactly people mean when they say "discrimination." We'll also look at the rights of Pagans in school, at work, and in the military, and how you can protect yourself from religious discrimination.

Know and Protect Your Legal Rights

Can you lose your kids, your job, or your home just because you practice an earth-based faith? Believe it or not, you have the same rights as everyone else in this country, and you can protect yourself. Learn what you can do to reduce the chance that you'll be a victim of religious discrimination.

Rights of Pagans in the Workplace

What rights do Pagans have in the workplace? Can your employer treat you differently just because you're not part of a mainstream religious group? Learn here about the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and how it applies to you.

Pagans in the Military

According to a study done in 2004, there are over 4,000 people in the United States Military who declare themselves as Pagan. If you or someone you love is an active duty member of the military, you need to be aware of your rights as a Pagan soldier.

Your Rights as a Pagan Parent

When it comes to raising our kids, it's sometimes hard to know what rights we have as Pagan parents. In the United States, we have the same rights as parents of any other religion.

For Pagan and Wiccan Students

Can Pagan and Wiccan students be treated differently at school? Actually, they have the same rights as everyone else. Read on to learn about how to protect your religious freedoms in an educational setting.

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Step 12: The Pagan Community

Want to have a great time at a festival? Follow some basic guidelines!. Image by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images News

By now, you may have figured out that there is a whole great big community of people out there who fall under the label of Pagan. When you're ready to start networking, or even if you just want to feel like you're part of a tribe, it never hurts to get out and meet new people. Let's look at how you can interact with other members of the Pagan community, no matter where they may be.

Meeting Other Pagans

Once you've begun studying Paganism, whether it's Wicca or some other form, you may at some point feel like you're all alone. So what do you do? Well, the obvious solution is to find other Pagans — it just takes a little bit of effort.

Pagan Festival Etiquette

You're getting ready to attend your first Pagan festival—that's awesome! Being prepared, though, with some simple "Do"s and "Don't"s, will help you have a much more positive experience.

5 Reasons to Support Local Pagan Shops

Many towns and cities are home to Pagan shops, but unfortunately they tend to come and go. It's a rare Pagan shop indeed that lasts more than a few years, but if there's one you love, help to keep it in business!

Finding a Pagan Teacher

Are you ready to start looking for someone to teach you about modern-day Paganism? Great! Here are some tips to keep in mind when you get started - as well as some hints on what NOT to do.

Disabled Pagans

Pagans with physical disabilities face a unique set of challenges as members of our Pagan community. Let's look at how some of those issues affect them, and what non-disabled Pagans can do to be more inclusive.

Are You an Older "Newbie"?

While most people new to Paganism are younger, there is an increasing segment of the community that consists of older adults who are just discovering modern Paganism. If you're an older adult who's a "newbie," don't worry - you're not alone!

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Step 13: Living Your Magical Life

Are you living magically every day?. Image by Raphye Alexius/Image Source/Getty Images

You've made it! You've come through all the other steps, and you've learned so much. We've talked about the basics, magic, rituals and ceremonies, the Sabbats, the power of the moon, your legal rights, raising kids in Pagan traditions, and so much more. Hopefully by now you've gotten a good start on your Book of Shadows. Keep adding to it, as often as possible. As you continue to read, study, learn and grow, you'll be able to add original material as you create your own spells, rituals, and other magical workings.

If you've read through every step in this study guide, you've got a good, solid foundation for any Pagan course of study. While there's no substitute for hands-on learning and doing, it's my hope that these lessons have allowed you to learn the basics, and will enable you to continue your studies either on your own as a solitary practitioner, or within a group setting. Let's wrap up with a few quick thoughts on how to live magically every day.

Living a Magical Life

Are you interested in Paganism as something you do, or something you believe? While it may be hard to get into the habit of living magically, once you get the basics down, it's easy to incorporate magical living into your daily routine.

Making Time for Magic

With all the mundane tasks in our lives, how can we make time for our magical life as well? Learn about time management strategy—so you can do the stuff you want to, in order to live more magically.

Goal Setting as Spiritual Development

For many Pagans, goal-setting and change is part of spiritual transformation. Here are some tips on how to not only set your goals, but also make sure you can see them realized.

Create a Daily Plan of Study

Many people find that by setting up a daily plan of study, they can develop good habits that help them make time for their spiritual education. Here are some tips on how to do this successfully.

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Your Citation
Wigington, Patti. "Intro to Paganism: A 13 Step Study Guide." Learn Religions, Sep. 20, 2021, Wigington, Patti. (2021, September 20). Intro to Paganism: A 13 Step Study Guide. Retrieved from Wigington, Patti. "Intro to Paganism: A 13 Step Study Guide." Learn Religions. (accessed May 8, 2024).