Pagan and Wiccan Traditions
There are different types and styles of Wiccan traditions—some may be right for you, and others not so much. Some of the differences may surprise you!
Owl Folklore and Legends, Magic and Mysteries
Celebrating Ostara, the Spring Equinox
Celtic Tree Months
History of Ostara, The Spring Equinox
Stop Doing These Things if You're Pagan
Modern Witchcraft Traditions
Moon Phases and Magical Workings
Celebrating the Full Moon
Lunar Deities
Hold a Spring Rebirth Ritual for Ostara
What is a Lunar Halo?
Harvest Moon: September's Full Moon
Lunar Folklore
Spider Mythology and Folklore
Wolf Folklore and Legend
Frog Magic and Folklore
Can I Be A Christian Wiccan or Witch?
Celebrating Mabon With Kids
Bedtime Prayers for Pagan Kids
Hold an Ostara Ritual for Solitaries
Deities of the Spring Equinox
Money Spells
Spring Equinox Celebrations Around the World
Beltane Prayers
The Magic & Symbolism of Animals
How to Make Magical Black Salt
Mushroom Magic and Folklore
Eostre - Spring Goddess or NeoPagan Fancy?
How to Create a Sacred Space for Pagan Rituals
Four Thieves Vinegar
Jar Spells in Folk Magic
Solar Magic, Myth and Folklore
Dianic Wicca
St. Patrick and the Snakes
Bone Divination
The Magic & Folklore of Fireflies
Cat Magic, Legends, and Folklore
Ostara Recipes
Dog Folklore and Legends
Biography of Gerald Gardner and the Gardnerian Wiccan Tradition
Blood Moon
Samhain is Not a God
Samhain Ancestor Meditation
Pagan Decorating Ideas
Different Pagan Traditions
What is a Wiccaning?
Long Nights Moon
Ancestor Worship in Pagan Cultures
Horse Magic, Folklore and Legends
Make a God's Eye at Mabon
Egg Magic and Folklore
What Do Pagans Think About Jesus?
April's Full Wind Moon
What Do I Tell People Who Say Paganism Is Evil?
May's Full Flower Moon
How To Celebrate a Summer Full Moon
What is Lodestone?
Alexandrian Wicca
Quickening Moon
Curanderismo: The Folk Magic of Mexico
Beltane Planting Ritual for Solitaries