What Do the Wand Cards Mean?

Wand Cards and Their Meanings

Wands are the Tarot suit that corresponds to Clubs in an ordinary pack of cards. Sometimes called Rods, Staves, or Staffs, the Wands are the suit most closely associated with spring,  fire, and energy. Wands represent growth and inspiration, ambition, competition, and the desire for power; they often relate to business endeavors, but can also relate to endeavors in love and romance.  Reversed, Wands can mean the opposite of energy and drive: illusion, lack of direction, meaninglessness, or laziness.

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Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands indicates new beginnings, and new opportunities. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Ace of Wands

The Ace or One of Wands is, like all Aces and Ones, a sign of new beginnings. Because Wands are typically associated with intuition, thought processes and communication, when the Ace shows up, it's usually a sign of new beginnings and new energies. Is your gut telling you it's time to take on a new challenge or opportunity? Follow your instinct!

Ace of Wands, Reversed

When the Ace of Wands is reversed, it may be because all of your big plans have to be put on hold for a while. If this is the case, it's okay: let things sit until the time is right, and you're far more likely to have success.

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Two of Wands

The Two of Wands hints at new relationships - and they'll be mutually beneficial. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Two of Wands

When the Two of Wands appears, it often indicates new partnerships and relationships, and these can be mutually beneficial. Think of this card in terms of business or your professional advancement, rather than in relation to romantic or family relationships.

Two of Wands, Reversed

When the Two of Wands is reversed, it often means that you've been sitting around waiting for far too long. Stop waiting for opportunities to come your way, and go out and seek them. This is a time when networking and proactive movement will be to your benefit. Stop being passive, and be more assertive.

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Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is an indicator that success may be close at hand. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Three of Wands

This is a card of success. You know all that stuff you've been working really hard at? Well, your ship is about to come in, because effort and hard work reap its own benefits. Feel good about your accomplishments, and if you owe some of your success to the effort of others, make sure they share in the celebration!

Three of Wands, Reversed

When your Three of Wands shows up reversed, it's an indication of inaction. Feeling stagnant? That's because you're not doing anything to change things. Pick up the pace and get moving, and then you'll see changes as you set goals and become more pro-active.

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Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a card of celebration and joy. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Four of Wands

If the Four of Wands appears in your Tarot reading, it's a cause for celebration! Good times are at hand, and you are entitled to feel joy and happiness. Don't limit your own capacity for feeling good about the things you've accomplished. If you've been running yourself ragged, it's perfectly okay to take a break and get some rest; it will do you good in the long run.

Four of Wands, Reversed

A reversed Four of Wands often hints at apathy. Don't feel like doing anything? Hard to get motivated? Try some physical activity - an active body leads to an active brain. Get out and get moving. If you're really feeling listless, get some friends involved. Go for a hike in the woods, hit the gym, or even clean out the garage; after all, moving around can be a lot of fun if you turn it into a group activity. Get your body back in action, and your brain will follow.

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Five of Wands

When you see a Five of Wands, it means it's time to end the debating and clear the air. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Five of Wands

In many traditions of divination, fives, ​in general, indicate discord. When the Five of Wands appears, it means that it's time to end the discord and clear the air. Be honest about what you're feeling. Similar in nature to the Five of Swords, which reminds us to mend fences and admit that we've been wrong, the Five of Wands is a reminder that if we want the arguing to cease, we need to be honest with others and with ourselves.

Five of Wands, Reversed

When the Five of Wands appears in reverse, it hints at an inability to let go. Got an argument that's dragging on for what seems like ages? Well, that's because it's something that requires time to resolve itself. Be patient, and do what you can to move things along.

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Six of Wands

A Six of Wands hints at resolution and victory after conflict. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Six of Wands

When the Six of Wands shows up, that means success is at hand. Not only will there be a sense of internal satisfaction, there's public recognition as well. Others will acknowledge your achievements, and be well aware of your hard work. If this is in relation to a job situation, don't try to diminish your own accomplishments and effort when someone higher up takes notice. Instead, take the credit where it is due.

Six of Wands, Reversed

When the Six appears in reverse, you may still be victorious, but it's a bit bittersweet. In this case, success has its drawbacks. Did you earn praise you weren't entitled to? Are you riding on someone else's coattails and failing to give them credit they've earned? Watch out to make sure you're not stepping all over others on your climb up the ladder of success.

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Seven of Wands

A Seven of Wands indicates you'll need all of your strength to take on the competition. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands tells us that competition is going to be tough. You're going to need all your inner strength to win this time, and you're up against folks with plenty of fortitude of their own. Play by the rules, but give it everything you have. Watch out for the competition, because not everyone is going to play fair.

Seven of Wands, Reversed

Self-doubt can often sabotage our efforts. The Seven of Wands is a warning that our own sense of inadequacy can cause failure in both professional and personal endeavors. Work on building your own confidence because, otherwise, you may end up being your own worst enemy.

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Eight of Wands

Got an Eight of Wands in your spread? Good! This card tells us revitalization and passion are on the way!. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Eight of Wands

Be glad when you see the Eight of Wands show up in a spread: it's a card of revitalization and passion! If your sex life has been dwindling, the Eight means it's about to kick back into high gear. But it's not just about sex because  Eight is a card of success all the way around.

Eight of Wands, Reversed

An upright Eight indicates success, but when the Eight of Wands is reversed, it means things are coming to a screeching halt. Stagnation and indecision are going to hold you back, and nothing is moving forward. Re-evaluate the situation if you want to make anything change.

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Nine of Wands

A Nine of Wands tells you that you're dealing well with adversity. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Nine of Wands

When the Nine of Wands shows up, it's a sign that while you may be handling adversity well, you also might need to stop being skeptical. Don't let doubt get in the way of your successes. It's okay to question things (and people), but don't let the questioning become a block to moving forward.

Nine of Wands, Reversed

A reversed Nine of Wands tells us that those suspicions you've had may be well founded. Got doubts about something? Think someone is up to no good? You're probably right. Now that you know the truth of the situation, react accordingly.

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Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands reminds us not to take on more than we can handle. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Ten of Wands

Think of the Ten of Wands as a cautionary card: it's a warning that you shouldn't try to take on more than you're capable of handling. Shouldering burdens, especially those of other people, can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Don't bite off more than you can chew, or you're going to find yourself run down and drained.

Ten of Wands, Reversed

The reversed Ten of Wands lets us know that all the strains and burdens of the past are just that: the past. Give yourself a break now that it's over, and allow others to do the same if they need to.

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Page of Wands

Like other Pages, the Page of Wands is a messenger - and he lets us know that truth shall be revealed. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Page of Wands

Like all Pages, the Page of Wands is a messenger card. It means that good news is coming your way. More importantly, it means that the truth will be revealed. If there is something you had some concerns about, especially worries about deception, now is when you'll find out what the real deal is.

Page of Wands, Reversed

The reversed Page of Wands still means news is coming your way, but this time it indicates that it's from an unexpected source. Be sure to validate information that you receive and the person who gave it to you. Do they have more to gain by telling you the truth, or by feeding you misinformation?

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Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is someone who is seeking truth, but must find answers on his or her own. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is chivalrous, like all knights, but his card indicates someone who is soul searching. More importantly, someone who needs to find the truth on their own and not is influenced by the machinations of others. Let this person, whether it's you or someone else, reach their own conclusions.

Knight of Wands, Reversed

In reverse, the Knight warns us that being too extreme in your passions can lead to frustration and temperamental behavior. Like the reversed Knight of Swords, the reversed Knight of Wands advises us to keep our own behavior in check (and own it when we hurt others).

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Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is outgoing and is typically the center of attention. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands, like other court cards, may represent a person or a concept, depending on the situation. In many readings, the Queen signifies a woman who loves to be the center of attention. She's the one who always works the room at a party, everyone wants to hang out with her, and she is self-confident and charismatic. Of note, the Queen of Wands never makes herself feel superior by insulting or belittling others; instead, she makes everyone feel as though they are genuinely welcome and liked. Don't mistake her kindness for weakness.

Queen of Wands, Reversed

When she appears in reverse, the Queen of Wands is still outgoing and social, but she's far more manipulative. Her interactions with others are based on what benefit she can attain. If this person can get nothing from you, she won't waste her time interacting. Be careful, because she (or he) can be competitive and sneaky.

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King of Wands

The King of Wands has a dominant personality, and others look up to him and respect him. Rider Waite cards by US Gaming Systems; Photo © Patti Wigington 2013; Licensed to About.com

King of Wands

Much like his counterpart, the Queen of Wands, the King of Wands can indicate a person who manages to have a powerful and dominant personality but is still friendly and non-judgmental. The King of Wands is open and social, but more importantly, he's genuine in his interactions with others.

King of Wands, Reversed

The King of Wands in reverse is an individual who lacks basic people skills. He's excellent at his job but lacks the ability to read social and nonverbal cues from others. The King of Wands is often someone who is highly gifted at technical aspects of his life but is seen as a bit of an eccentric by others. Interestingly, despite the lack of social skills, this personality type often is highly successful, as long as their advancement is based on merit rather than interaction with others.

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Your Citation
Wigington, Patti. "What Do the Wand Cards Mean?" Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, learnreligions.com/wand-cards-meaning-2561576. Wigington, Patti. (2020, August 26). What Do the Wand Cards Mean? Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/wand-cards-meaning-2561576 Wigington, Patti. "What Do the Wand Cards Mean?" Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/wand-cards-meaning-2561576 (accessed April 23, 2024).